Murfreesboro Cold Patrol was originally set in place as an effort to "patrol" Murfreesboro during the coldest parts of the year in an effort to look out for and protect our most vulnerable friends on the street from exposure-related injuries and death. "Cold Patrol" was just a catchy name for a service we provided the community in the winter, but don't be deceived by the name. We, along with a great group of friends who are committed to making a positive impact in our community, are working hard year round to make sure these most vulnerable individuals have the resources they need to survive living outdoors and are introduced to opportunities available to them to obtain substance use treatment, mental and physical health services, and work to eliminate barriers to accessing permanent, affordable housing.
Our street outreach teams visit local encampments throughout the week to build relationships and trust. We are currently providing handwashing stations on a regular basis to eliminate the spread of germs due to Coronavirus. We are maintaining safe social distancing while making sure everyone who would like to have access to running water and soap has regular access during the pandemic.
We have two transitional houses for men where we can house up to 10 men at a time. During their time in transitional housing, each man is given the opportunity to work with a social worker to set goals, build a budget, work with a licensed clinician for mental health counseling, and work towards obtaining permanent, affordable housing.
Our street outreach worker works with individuals actively experiencing homelessness to eliminate any barriers that stand in the way of permanent housing. The journey to housing looks different for everyone, so we work with each person based on their unique situation. This process often looks like working to fix credit issues, applying for disability benefits, obtaining access to physical and/or mental healthcare, and much more.
The journey to housing doesn’t end when people move in. We know that it takes time to adapt to housing when individuals have been on the street for an extended period of time. Because of this, we work to provide follow-up services where we strive to empower each individual we help obtain housing with the ability to build a strong community, navigate resources in their area, learn how to manage a budget, overcome obstacles, and maintain stable housing.
We are a small organization committed to making a big difference in our community. Please join us as we work to eradicate homelessness in Murfreesboro, one story at a time.
2022 Fiscal Year Financial Partners
United Way, THDA, The City of Murfreesboro, First Baptist Church, The Community Foundation, BoroDash, The Starbucks Foundation, Trinity United Methodist Church, Murfreesboro Little Theatre
What does it cost to house a person?
On average for one person:
$12 - Purchases ID
$60- Birth Certificate needed to obtain housing
$100- Provides one full week in transitional housing *Not all we assist move into our transitional program
$200- Application Fees
$300 - Electricity deposit
$40 - Water Deposit
$1,000 - Security deposit
$1,000- First months rent needed before move in
$100 – Provides essentials needed to move into housing that are not furniture (House hold items like towels, trash cans, toiletries, etc.)
There are also things you may not expect, for example:
$100 – Bus ticket to treatment or back home
$25 – Provides copay for doctor’s appointment or mental health treatment
$100- Provides one full week in transitional housing
$50 - Tank of gas to get clients to and from appointments